Monday 30 December 2013

Publication focus: high quality genome-wide genotyping from archived dried blood spots without DNA amplification

High Quality Genome-Wide Genotyping from Archived Dried Blood Spots without DNA Amplification
Krystal R. St. Julien et al. PLoS ONE, May 2013, 8(5): e64710. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064710


Spots of blood are routinely collected from newborn babies onto filter paper called Guthrie cards and used to screen for metabolic and genetic disorders. The archived dried blood spots are an important and precious resource for genomic research. Whole genome amplification of dried blood spot DNA has been used to provide DNA for genome-wide SNP genotyping.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Ready To Go and its role in the future of molecular diagnostics

In general, any process that has requirements for a cold-chain or applications with a requirement to reduce the complexity of the [molecular diagnostic] assay could benefit from Ready-To-Go [ambient temperature assay stabilisation].

Thursday 5 December 2013

Stabilisation of biological assays and molecular diagnostics

We see increasing use of ambient temperature stabilisation of biological assays in two main areas. 

Monday 2 December 2013

Publication focus: Whatman FTA and HPV genotyping

Agreement for HPV genotyping detection between self-collected specimens on a FTA cartridge and clinician-collected specimens.Guan Y. et al. J Virol Methods. 2013 Apr;189(1):167-71.

The current method of transporting self-collected cervicovaginal specimen for HPV DNA testing relies on liquid based medium, which is challenging and expensive to transport.